Legacy shield

The innovative Index Universal Life (IUL) provides a permanent life insurance policy while allowing policyholders to build their own financial fortress that can be accessed tax-free during life.

IUL policies have revolutionized traditional life insurance by linking cash value growth to a market index like the S&P 500. This gives the opportunity for strong cash value accumulation that you can access tax-free through policy loans for any need - from launching a business to paying off a mortgage. While risky investments can expose you to losses, IUL's offer upside potential while providing downside protection.

Unlike the boring life insurance of the past that only paid a death benefit, today's IUL policies provide innovative living benefits that allow access to policy funds during medical emergencies. IULs now offer Critical, Chronic, and Terminal Illness protections that accelerate the death benefit if diagnosed with a major medical condition or if you need long term care. These protections make IUL so much more than just a payout at death – they give flexibility to access funds during the moments you need them most.

The benefits of IUL are so compelling that they have become one of the most popular permanent life insurance solutions. We have access to top-rated IUL products from leading carriers. Additionally, we provide you with sophisticated illustrations to show you exactly how your policy will provide future cash value accumulation and tax-free income potential.

Contact us today so we can provide you with an IUL solution tailored to your specific needs and goals.